Holiday Market Event Part 2: Friday December 12, 9am-3pm
Holiday Shopping is made easy and relaxing at The Rumson Gifts & Home Furnishings Holiday Market, Friday December 12, 9-3.
Busatti Corner Atlanta has Christmas items from Italy to sell along with Busatti products for kitchen, table, bed and bath that might be just what you are looking for and won’t find anywhere else.
Rumson Gifts & Home Furnishings has a new look and hundreds of new products, from pantry treats to ornaments to artwork.
Our atmosphere is casual and welcoming; we are always happy for you to stop by to say hello, to just take a look, or see how we might help you. We are at 458 E. Paces Ferry Road in Buckhead just west of Maple Drive (turn at 446-462 E. Paces Ferry Road sign). Visit for additional information.