Starting 2019 Off Right

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Starting 2019 Off Right

We were happy to have Busatti in Atlanta at the start of the year at the Atlanta Gift & Home Market and joined them at NYNow as well. (After which they went directly to the Ambiente Show in Frankfurt, and their list goes on.)

Busatti Villa has been busy developing a signature product line, beginning a website renew, ordering new bright table items for sunny days ahead to have in the Shop, and working with some new stores and clients in Atlanta and across the U.S. on custom bedroom furnishings-from coverlets and shams to sheets. And, we’ve been testing various apron designs, and baking our way through winter days in the process!

Our Showroom+Shop is open to everyone. We work with customers across the U.S., with stores, with designers, and would love to hear from you. We are by appointment, but are in the Showroom most weekdays; please email before you stop in to make sure we are there to greet you.

We will visit Anghiari next month and it’s a great time to ask us to carry back any fabric sample or discuss any project in person.


Sheila & Anne, Busatti Villa























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